
The Wealth Room


Interview with Stephen Young

Stephen has been working as a programmer, architect and manager for the last 12 years so he has a strong bias towards helping junior programmers and software development teams improve and perform to the best of their ability. He discusses the ins and outs of being a top programmer, gives helpful tips for future and current programmers, managers and entrepreneurs as well as letting us in on how he has learnt from past experiences, to become more and more successful. Since Stephen was young he has always preferred teaching himself, rather than having a structured syllabus. This formed an obsession for constantly doing research and finding answers to the complicated things in life. Over time he noticed that he was forming connections and finding patterns in unrelated fields and u

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Become an Investment Specialist Today!

Yes you can become an investment specialist today! After going through Asset Classes last week, there is just one quick thing we need to look at before we move on to investing into Unit Trusts. I touched on Asset Allocation briefly in the last post, so in this post I will go through Asset Allocation in a little more detail so that you can build a better understanding and knowledge base. Asset Allocation:  Asset Allocation is how you divide your investments between the Asset Classes. So it is deciding how much cash, bonds, property  and equity you want in your investment. Asset Allocation is, in my opinion, one of the most important decisions you make when it comes to investing and achieving your investment goals. Before you go ahead and select which bonds, equity etc you want

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