
The Wealth Room


What is the best investment option for you?

The first thing that you need to establish from the beginning is what your investment objective is, once you have established that, you can go through a process of elimination to determine what the best Investment Product or Investment Vehicle will be for you to achieve your investment objective.     Once you have determined what vehicle you will be using, you can then determine what sort of risk tolerance you are willing to take off with the underlying unit trust. The longer your investment time horizon (interment period), the higher the amount of risk you can afford to take.   How do you choose the right products that meet your needs? In some cases you might have more than one product that might meet your needs, so you will then look into what your personal p

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Investment Risk

What is the risk of losing your hard-earned money? Well in life there are no true guarantees, so when you enter into any form of investment you need to understand that you can do your best to calculate the risk and to make the best informed decision in entering into the investment or not. But at the end of the day there are certain uncertainties that can arise and change the picture completely. This is why, in my opinion; you want to have the experts in control of the situation, if it ever does arise. So when you enter into an investment you have to come to terms with the fact that there is a certain amount of risk involved, and each investment will have a different level of risk attached to it. However keep in mind the old phrase that if it sounds too good to be true, it most prob

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