
The Wealth Room


Interview with Simon Dingle

Simon Dingle is a broadcaster, designer and technologist. He hosts a weekly radio show on 5FM and two podcasts where he explores the worlds of productivity and transcendence through technology. Previously he directed product design at Curve in London, BitX in Singapore and at 22seven in Cape Town. He actively invests in Blockchain technologies a particular focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum. Presentation Summary Simon brings together the bleeding edge of technologies currently shaping the world, along with his experience from working on three fintech startups in as many years, to show you how the integrated world of contextual data can be used by you and your business to develop and maintain relevance in this fast-paced and disruptive environment.

The Wealth Room recently sat down with Simon Dingle and asked him a few questions:

What is Bitcoin?


Difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum?



November 10, 2016


The Wealth Room

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